Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Okay then, 3-2-1...

So today’s yet another Tuesday…one whole week of pure unadulterated laziness. I have bunked university, quite uncharacteristically. I have watched TV, like ancient star gazers surfed the sky for new galaxies. I have devoted more time on my laptop, than Tim Berners Lee, Orkut Boyukokten and Bill Gates mashed together, and I have come up with no new network gizmo, thankfully, so no new Frankenstein’s like me hopefully!!!


The sky rumbled. Lights went out…again…


I stood at the evening window then…street-lights vibrated like retro disco bulbs outside. And the breeze, the breeze had never been more kind and balmy than this. Smooth and filtering, a vast monsoon weather, a weather so vast, made me feel by the side of a beach or a mountain top…it was so vast, so un-city like and so beautiful…I closed my eyes and a shy little drop of happy tear broke free.


And then, the current was restored and the lights came back. I rushed to my station on the couch in front of the TV, and the ritual star-gazing was thus resumed.


The sky has shed most of her weight and tears, with me waning by her side, and both of us have come to no new conclusions.

Although I have been thinking a lot…

Although I have been dreaming a lot

Still both of us have come to no new conclusions.

Vote for the Angel

Vote for the Angel